Last updated at Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:21:53 GMT

SAMR Auxiliary Module

A new SAMR auxiliary module has been added that allows users to add, lookup, and delete computer accounts from an AD domain. This should be useful for pentesters on engagements who need to create an AD account to gain an initial foothold into the domain for lateral movement attacks, or who need to use this functionality as an attack primitive.

Note when using this module that there is a standard number of computers a user can add, so be wary that you may get STATUS_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED error messages if you try to run this repeatedly. It should also be noted that whilst a standard user can create a computer account, you will need additional privileges to delete that account.

A Pesky Table Bug Gets Squashed

A well known bug in Rex-Tables when trying to render tables which contain unsupported characters has now been fixed in Rex-Text 0.2.38, which has now been pulled into the framework. This should solve a number of issues that have been reported over the last year such as,, and It should also help improve experiences with some of the new LDAP work we have been working on lately, so that users should have a smoother experience once that releases.

PHP Mailer Argument Injection Module Improvements

As a final point of note, community contributor erikbomb has improved the PHP Mailer Argument Injection exploit targeting CVE-2016-10033 and CVE-2016-10045 to now support changing the name of the fields for the name, email, and message objects. This should allow this exploit to work under additional scenarios where these settings may need to be altered for the exploit to successfully run. Much thanks to erikbomb for these enhancements!

New module content (1)

  • SAMR Computer Management by JaGoTu and Spencer McIntyre - This adds an auxiliary module that can be used to add, lookup, and delete computer accounts from an active directory domain. The computer account can offer a sort of foothold into the domain for lateral movements or as a common attack primitive.

Enhancements and features (1)

  • #16721 from erikbomb - This updates the PHP Mailer Argument Injection exploit to allow setting the names of certain fields via advanced options. These configuration options then allow the exploit to work in additional scenarios.

Bugs fixed (2)

  • #16722 from bcoles - Fixes module metadata for stability and reliability.
  • #16729 from gwillcox-r7 - Fixes a crash in Metasploit's console when trying to render tables which contain unsupported characters.

Get it

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To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
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