Last updated at Fri, 03 Nov 2017 19:18:37 GMT

Today we’re excited to announce our partnership with Google Cloud Platform, making Logentries the first provider of log analytics for Google Cloud customers.

Logentries’ Google Cloud integration enables Google customers to perform advanced analysis on their log data, beyond the basic log view provided by Google Cloud Platform.

The partnership is enabled via a direct integration with Google Cloud’s Pub/Sub API – a powerful messaging service responsible for routing data between applications at scale. Using the Pub/Sub for logging is especially exciting when you consider Google Cloud Platform’s suite of available services, like Compute Engine, providing high-performance cloud computing, and App Engine, an easy-to-use Platform as a Service built to handle a wide variety of languages, frameworks and services. Thanks to the Pub/Sub API, it’s easy to have some applications hosted on App Engine and others hosted on different VMs in Compute Engine while publishing all logs to be sent to your Logentries account in real-time.

“We are excited to offer Google customers deeper, log-level visibility into what is happening across their Google applications and systems. The Logentries integration enables real-time visibility into important system metrics to understand performance, security, event anomalies, and valuable trends over time.”

– Deepak Tiwari, Product Manager, Google Cloud

Logentries’ Google Cloud Platform Integration provides Google Cloud Platform customers with the ability to:

  • Correlate resource utilization from VMs running in Cloud Engine to application response times using multi-line graphs via Logentries dashboards.
  • Use real-time anomaly detection to receive alerts when CPU load across Google Cloud Engine VMs exceeds the weekly average by a specific percent threshold.
  • Investigate errors generated by Google App Engine apps in real-time, as they occur, aggregated live-tail search.

Ready to begin streaming data from Google Cloud Platform to Logentries? Simply start a 30-day free trial at and follow our Google Cloud Platform docs to start logging in no-time.